The Additional Protocol
Introduction to the Additional Protocol
History and Benefits of Implementing Safeguards
Development of the Strengthened Safeguards System
Comprehensive Safeguards and the AP
Status of Safeguards and Nuclear Activity
Declaration Requirements
Declaration Reporting Requirments in the Additional Protocol
Applicability of the Additional Protocol
Relevant Legal Framework
Preparation for Implementation
AP Process Overview
Infrastructure Necessary for AP Repporting
Training and Outreach
Submitting Declarable Activities to the IAEA
Preparing for Complementary Access
Reporting Tools
DOE AP Declaration Helper
IAEA Protocol Reporter
Developing and Submitting a Declaration
Overall Declaration Process
Gathering Information
Identifying Potentially Declarable Activities
Developing the Declaration
Declaration EXAMPLES
Reviewing and Tracking
Submitting Declarations to the IAEA
Complementary Access
Implementation of CA
The "Reasonable Effort" Provision
Managed Access
Practical Implementation of CA
Helpful Links